Friday, December 12, 2008

I finally was able to get my Christmas tree up along with all of the other decorations. I have most of my shopping done except for Blake and Kirk. Men ! ! ! they can be so difficutl to buy for sometimes. Expecially when they will not tell you anything that they want for Christmas.

Friday, December 5, 2008

More From The Hoopes Family

We have such a beautiful view out our front window of the Draper Temple. The open house starts in January. Everyone in the stake gets to help. The open house lasts for 3 months. Our first snow fall of the year, in October. Now if we can just have some snow for Christmas. But I am not going to complain.
Baby Kaija came to visit grandma for a couple of days. I just do not get to see her enough. I just want to squeeze her and kiss her all the time. She is so dang cute. She smiles all the time, and she is such a happy baby.

Keira at the pumpkin patch, and the corn maze. She is so funny all the time. You never know what she is going to do next.

Nyah is such a little sweetheart, she is grandmas little cook. When she comes to my house she always wants to make brownies. She will say "grandma can we make some Nyah brownies" I just love it.

Then there is Jayda who is walking all over the place and so happy all the time. She loves to eat anything and everything.

Grandma's little Disney Princess's

We are putting up our Christmas tree this weekend. I love the holiday's. I play Christmas music everyday. I think it drives Kirk nuts. Then I also record all the Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas movies and watch them all during the holiday's. Along with my Christmas movies on dvd's. My girls and I always like to watch Little Women every year. Karri always will call me " marmy". Some of my favorite movies are "Family Man", The last holiday, The Family Stone", and "The Holiday".
Kirk and I just celebrated our 30th wedding anivarsary. Can you believe it 30 years. It has gone by so fast. I love him so much and he is my very best friend. He is taking me to Maui in January for 10 days. I am so excited.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

granny's babysitting trip

Here it is all ready October. A week ago I went to Heather's home in New Mexico and I stayed a week with Spencer and Jamie while Heather and Jared went on a cruise to Mexico. I had the best time with Spencer and Jamie. We mostly just stayed home since I do not know my way around the city. I played the Wii with Spencer. Of course he beat me at every game except for bowling. Jamie and I went for walks everyday down to the park and to meet Spencer at the bus stop when he would come home from school. We did go to McDonald's play land once and eat lunch. I let them play for over an hour. Then Jamie threw the biggest screaming tantrum and did not want to go home. Everyone was laughing including me. So I just carried her out screaming the whole way. One night we went to Spencer's cub scouts. That was a lot of fun. It has been so long since I have been to scouts. Spencer loves cub scouts so much. I hated when the time came and I had to go back home and tell them good bye. They both cried when grandma left, it just ripped out my heart. I was happy to go home and see Kirk again and be back in my own home. I missed him so much. It is fun to be a grandma and be able to help out with the kids when they need you. So now I am back to work with the Day Care and all of my little kids. I sure did miss them. It is so amazing how attached you become to all of these little ones.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The NEW BYU Cheerleader

Since Jared Runia and Kirk always have season tickets to BYU every year. Karri thought she would send a picture of BYU's newest cheerleader aka "cheerleader in training"

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I thought I would add some more pics to my blog. 8-21 was Spencers big 8th birthday. So we all went down to Albuquerque for his birthday and baptism. Jess and her family, Blake, and Karri and baby Kaija. Spencer and Jamie

Spencer and dad
Jayda, Keira, Jamie, and Nyah

Spencer and dad before the baptism. Aunt Jessi gave a talk on baptism, and grandpa Kirk talked on the Holy Ghost. Baby Kaija (the princess)

Jamie reading to her baby, and playing outside.
We all had such a great time. It was so fun to have everyone together for this special occasion. It was really hot though. Heather and Jared are doing great in their new home. I never did get any pictures of them, or of their new home they built. They are the ward missionaries and have had some baptisms all ready. Jared is still working for Verizon in the main offices. Heather is currently going to school to be medical transcriptionist and will be done shortly, she enjoys staying home, playing with Jamie and Spencer. I just wish they lived a lot closer. The drive took 11 hours.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer Fun

Over Memorial weekend we went boating and had a BBQ/Fire in our backyard. It was so cold, but we made the best of it, I guess that is most of the reason why we ended up with a fire. Notice all of the jackets/coats and blankets for everyone to keep warm. We figured it would be warm at the end of May in Utah but we where wrong, that weekend brought cold days and winds. It was really fun hanging around family, my sister Patty came down from Star Valley for the weekend.

On June 19th our newest grandbaby arrived weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz. Karri had a hard time getting her here being in labor for 2 days but she was a real trooper. Her name is Kaija Kali Warren. She is so beautiful with TONS of dark hair! So now we are up to a total of 6 grandkids. 5 girls and 1 boy (poor Spencer the lone boy).

We had so much fun on the 4th of July. We went boating with Jess, Jared, and the girls. The girls LOVED the boat. Keira loves it the most especially her "yummy's" aka Starbursts. After boating we had a BBQ at our house. We even had a fire and smores which was so much fun. Nyah had fun munching on fruit and Keira ate a whole bunch of Marshmellos, nothing like exact oppositeswith kids. After that we lit sparklers which they loved too. It's so nice to at least have some of our grandkids close by so we can get our grandkid fix on a regular basis.

We had fun this summer with the daycare, we played in the water every Tuesday & Thursday, they LOVED it. It was really hot this year as usual so it was a nice way to get cooled off.

This was Kaija's Baby blessing. We had BBQ at the Warren's house, it was a lot of fun seeing everyone together and of course to see our newest grandbaby again.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Another One Joins The Blog Crowd

Well, with the pressure from my kids we have started our own blog. Hopefully with our computer skills we will be able to figure this whole thing out, my daughter got us to this point so who knows if there will be current posts, I am nicknamed Dory "just keep swimming."